The Ithaca Swing Dance Network, ltd.,
is a not-for-profit, all-volunteer group run by dancers, for dancers, in Ithaca, NY, USA. We are a 501(c)3 organization. Our efforts include:
* Sponsoring dances with live or DJ’d music
* Sponsoring classes, workshops, and performances. Sometimes these are free to the community
* Networking with regional swing dance organizations
The ISDN holds occasional live band dances throughout the year. Every summer we hold an annual event of free workshops followed by a dance, known as “Swingin’ on Cayuga.” We occasionally sponsor workshops with renowned dance teachers. For ISDN and other regional events, check our calendar. You can also subscribe to our mailing list by clicking here.
Respectful Community Statement
The Board of Directors voted to adopt a policy with an aim to foster respect amongst our dance community, and if anyone feels otherwise, what to do about it. Read the statement here.
Our History
From its official birth in 1988, and its humble pre-history, the ISDN has evolved into a thriving organization that has hosted a multitude of classes, social dances, and workshops with world-class guest instructors. See a list of workshop instructors we’ve had the honor of hosting here.
How you can help:
* Volunteer! To inquire about current opportunities, send email or use the form below.
* Buy a T-shirt – enhance your dance wardrobe, or give as a gift. Click here.
* Donations, small or large, are graciously accepted to help fund our programming, including outreach events like Swingin’ On Cayuga. ISDN is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization and your donations are fully tax-deductible. You can give a check to the door person at your next ISDN event, or mail your tax-deductible contributions to us at the address at the bottom of the page. All checks should be made out to “Ithaca Swing Dance Network.”
ISDN’s Administration
The ISDN, Ltd., is run by a group of dedicated volunteers who meet every couple of months, to plan future events, and make the truly important decisions about the world! In exchange for their time, volunteers receive discounts on admission to our events. Anyone who is interested in donating their time and talents, and giving something back to the dance community, is welcome to attend.
Our Next Meeting:
Thursday June 6th, 2024 at 8 pm. If you’d like to attend, contact us and we’ll send you the Zoom link.
Current Board Members
* Cindy Overstreet, Chair
* Diana Leigh, Vice-Chair/Treasurer
* Rich Andrulis, Secretary
* Gretchen Herrmann
* Melanie-Claire Mallison
* Erica Herman